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Cyber Attack Surface Assessment


The Cyber Attack Surface Assessment service offers a dynamic approach to identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities within an organisation's digital environment. This service conducts a thorough scan of networks, applications, and endpoints, leveraging advanced threat simulation to pinpoint weaknesses and test defence mechanisms against real-world cyber threats.
The assessment provides actionable and prioritised recommendations to enhance the security posture efficiently and effectively.


As cyber threats continue to evolve and increase in sophistication, it's more critical than ever for organisations to understand and manage their cyber risk. The Cyber Attack Surface Assessment service can help you answer the essential question: "What is our cyber risk?" By providing a more unified view of threat exposure, this service enables you to identify, assess, and mitigate potential cyber risks effectively.

  • Aggregates cyber asset data from across internal networks, providing real-time information for security teams to identify at-risk and non-compliant assets, applications, and users.

  • Identifies critical misconfigurations in cloud workloads and simulates privilege escalation scenarios. This allows security teams to gauge the potential impact of attacks and take steps to mitigate their risks.

  • Maximise the performance of your existing security investments by automating aspects of threat exposure management.

  • Enable your security teams to automatically identify and mitigate potential attack paths and optimise detection rules, leading to better security outcomes.

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