The role of a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is to establish and maintain organisational strategy and execution to protect valuable digital assets and associated technologies. Cynode offers the Interim CISO Service for organisations lacking this function internally. Our cyber advisors, with decades of experience in cyber, IT, and security across organisations of all sizes—including critical infrastructure—develop and manage the implementation of comprehensive cyber and information security programmes, for short-term and, if required, long-term engagements.


Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) rely on internet technologies and infrastructure as heavily as larger entities. However, they face unique challenges in protecting their digital assets. Building cyber defence capabilities and fostering a cyber-aware workforce requires a strategic approach and execution, which often demands a higher budget than other business functions. Cynode's Interim CISO service enables organisations to quickly access cybersecurity expertise and skills, jumpstarting the process of enhancing cyber resilience and organisational maturity without long-term capital expenditure commitments.

  • The departure of an organisation's existing CISO may be untimely for current security initiatives. Our experienced vCISO can step in, review the current cybersecurity strategy, and help recruit, select, and transition until a full-time CISO is onboard.

  • When a full-time CISO is too costly for an SME, a Cynode vCISO can be assigned part-time to provide enterprise-calibre expertise to manage and implement a security programme.

  • What your organisation was doing 6–12 months ago to protect against cyber risk is likely not as effective today. A Cynode vCISO can help organisations of every size by examining the current budget, assessing how it's spent, and identifying ways to use it more effectively and efficiently to create a stronger cybersecurity posture.

  • Strengthened defences through strategic planning and expert guidance.

  • Assurance of adherence to legal and industry-specific security standards.

  • Access to top-tier security expertise without the need for a full-time executive position

  • Reduced risk of security breaches and minimised impact of incidents.

  • Data-driven insights into cyber security risks and threats.

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